7 Steps to a More Resilient You

An effective programme for leaders looking to build greater resilience for them and their teams.
Personal resilience is a sought after capacity. But what is it and how do you develop it? You do it with your body and there are plenty of tools to use. Our Resilience course gives you a range of methods that will help you refill that battery and keep it full.
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Nick Mayhew

Your Alembic Guide
As founder and owner of Alembic Strategy, I lead the strategy, change, coaching and M&A work.
I am an FCA and my career includes holding roles as a head of consulting and main board member for a major accounting firm.
I am the son of a psychotherapist and was brought up as a Buddhist, playing rugby, and practicing Tai Chi on a Monday. I read Modern History at University, including the history of philosophy. 
Out of all of this, Alembic Strategy fulfils a lifelong passion for helping people, especially leaders and their organisations, who want to be better. We do this in a way that combines all our learning and looks to help the person in front of us who wants to grow.
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